Selasa, 24 Januari 2012


‘Mountain Bike’ is the name given to off-road bicycles used in rough terrain and tough conditions. Mountain bikes are required to be tough and durable to meet the demands of off-road biking. Mountain bikes will usually have wide and knobby tires, good suspension, riser handlebars and sometimes disc brakes.
If you are off mountain biking, you would want your mountain bike to hold true in the trying uphill and downhill conditions and the sudden and steep turns, diversions and aversions you would want to make. To achieve this, manufacturers of mountain bikes take great care in making sure that every part of the bicycle is in its proper place and at a specific angle to each other so that the balance and sturdiness of the bicycle is perfect. Besides, these mountain bikes are made of tough material so there is minimal wear and tear in the rugged off-road conditions. It is for these reasons that mountain bikes are often much more expensive than their regular counterparts.

WTS: Mountain Bike

‘Mountain Bike’ is the name given to off-road bicycles used in rough terrain and tough conditions. Mountain bikes are required to be tough and durable to meet the demands of off-road biking. Mountain bikes will usually have wide and knobby tires, good suspension, riser handlebars and sometimes disc brakes.
mountainbikeIf you are off mountain biking, you would want your mountain bike to hold true in the trying uphill and downhill conditions and the sudden and steep turns, diversions and aversions you would want to make. To achieve this, manufacturers of mountain bikes take great care in making sure that every part of the bicycle is in its proper place and at a specific angle to each other so that the balance and sturdiness of the bicycle is perfect. Besides, these mountain bikes are made of tough material so there is minimal wear and tear in the rugged off-road conditions. It is for these reasons that mountain bikes are often much more expensive than their regular counterparts.